(435) 257-2940

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Auto Body Painting

Allred Auto Body L.L.C. has years of experience making most any auto body paint jobs look spectacular. Regardless of the size or complexity of your auto body paint project, our professional and experience auto body painters will handle it quickly, efficiently, and with an attention to detail that is second to none.


Tremonton vehicle owners have trusted us to paint their vehicles for years, and for good reason. Our ability to match paint color and shimmer allows us to seamlessly paint over scrapes and marks, efficiently covering any damage. We are proud to be able to offer flawless spot paint services, as it allows us to save our customers a lot of time and money on repair paint jobs.


Of course, we also offer full auto body paint services should you choose to give your vehicle a whole new look. From standard factory paints that are often difficult to come by to custom colors, , our paint services are unequaled and sure to please even the most demanding customer. Whatever type of paint or application you have in mind, we will deliver on time and within budget. Our work is guaranteed, so you have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain.


Trust Allred Auto Body L.L.C. to do the job right, on time and on budget. Call us today for a free estimate, we look forward to hearing from you!